Blog Dare - Day 6 - My Special Place

a mom blog community

Blog Dare - Day 6 - My Special Place
This blog is about my special place where I go for quiet/alone or regrouping time. My place is here in my room..or if I'm lucky the bathroom to take a nice long hot bath and just sit in there and relax but that doesn't happen that often. I also just go for a nice quiet drive, maybe to Sonic for a half price drink or to Dollar Tree to see what kind of new goodies they have or something like that.
I love to just sit here and listen to my music with the headphones on when I am needing some alone time or regrouping time..headphones are great to tune out all the kids bickering and griping etc. I have an expensive pair of headphones that I use mostly for work on my laptop but they are great and come in really handy listening to music and tuning out complaining teenagers too!
Have a great weekend..


  1. found your blog on Bloggymom, on the Blog Dare, I have a blog poll on this topic on my blog, so far from the blogs i have visited bathroom/bedroom seem to be the winners!

  2. yep..last time I got time alone I didn't know how to handle it and got a speeding ticket for going 90!! but i was alone!

  3. @Patricia I went to your blog and did the poll and I'm following you :)

    @momto8 lol you sound like me!! Speeding and blasting music!

  4. Stopping by from The Blog Dare, bedrooms and bathrooms seem to be a hit with mommies alike. The headphones I sure not only tunes out their griping and bickering, but possibly their music too?

    Feel free to visit my special place


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