Webkinz Giveaway!

Welcome to the Webkinz World Giveaway! Sponsored by Webkinz Hosted by Mostly Together Mommy By now, most students are either back at school or will be very soon. It's an exciting time and students both big and small are acclimating to a world of homework, school projects, and after school activities. As parents, we want the best for our children and want them learning and staying busy. However, play time is just as important as learning from books. Webkinz is a place where kids can come and adopt virtual pets and care for them. Kids can decorate rooms for their pets, play games, and even completing "jobs". Parents can purchase points for rare or exclusive items in the e-store and kids can spend them for fun items like a swimming pool for their pets! Webkinz brings the online world into the physical one by offering real plush toys! These stuffed animals are adorable and each one comes with a secret code so that their plush toy shows up in t...