RimWorld Beta 18 - A World of Story
I found out earlier this morning right after 12:30 CST that this was finally released! This is one of the best games that I have ever played and it doesn't get old! It remains fun and interesting as time goes on and on. I've played up to date over 1100 hours on this game! I've had it for about a year I believe. This is a game to definitely check out if you love city/base builders. It is really a great game and it isn't complicated to learn how to play etc. You just build up your base and add visitors/guests to your colony to help build it up further & fight raids! This game is on Steam and well worth every penny! I got it on sale I'm pretty sure last year but I am so addicted to this game! And there is an awesome community that puts up mods and things for it as well which is awesome! Have a great weekend! Hugs & Love from your Queen of Random, Lisa Tweet LISA-QUEEN OF RANDOM claims no credit for any images posted on this site unless other...