Title: Ravage Series: Untamed Sons MC #1 Author: Jessica Ames Genre: MC Romance Release Date: September 24, 2020 BLURB Ravage As president of the Untamed Sons MC, I'm no stranger to pain, but three years ago Sasha broke my heart and put another black mark against my soul. Even the mention of her name is enough to bring my demons out to play. I still don't know what happened, but what I do know is she walked out on me, the club, and the future we were working towards without a backwards glance. I should have known she wouldn't stay gone. Sasha Leaving Rav was the hardest decision I've ever had to make, but I didn’t have a choice. Staying and facing my past wasn't an option. I suffered through hell, but I'm stronger than I've ever been, at least I was until my daughter got sick. Now, the only person left who might be able to save her is her father. Only, I have no idea who it is. Ravage, or his brother, Sin. *Warning : Con...