Title: Fake You Series: Boys of Trinity Hall #2 Author: MV Ellis Genre: Bully Romance Release Date: January 31, 2020 Blurb Drew I hate the lies you tell. For as long as I can remember, everything in my world has been fake. The happy nuclear family. The loving parents. The close father-son relationship. The respectable family business. All lies. I’ve had it with the pretense and the show, but I’m been trapped on a dizzying merry-go-round of deception, and I can’t get off. So when she’s thrown unexpectedly into my path, and I discover she’s just another fake, I need to make her pay. Little do I know, the deceit runs deeper than I imagined, and nothing is as it seems. Kik I tell the lies I hate. I hate the lies and the pretense, but if I ‘m going to achieve what I want in life, they’re a necessary evil. Truth is, I’ve mostly made peace with the idea. What I’m doing is a means to an end, and the end definitely justifies the means. Besides, it’...