I came across this and wanted to share..I love her!! She's so beautiful! What a lucky lady to be so beautiful and have a great sexy looking husband too!! You guys, I think Jenna Dewan-Tatum is trying to seduce us through our computers screens. And while I think it has something to do with her Blue Steel stare-down, I think this little hair move is also involved. The tucked-behind-the-ear move might be helping, but what I think is really sending her over-the-top here is going on on the other side. Notice that her locks are curled in toward her face . It makes her look a little sleeker and sexier than if the curls went the other way (which would open up her face and give her a friendlier vibe). Plus, it gives it a shape that almost makes her hair look voluptuous, and we all know that word is sexy, right? So there you go—I think that's the big assist here in the hotness department, the inward curl. You into it? Oh, and if you want to see her blue-...