
Showing posts from September 23, 2012

TX Longhorns VS OSU Cowboys

My goodness what a game so far!!! GO OSU!  

Updating new tab - Surveys

Hey there everyone, just wanted to let you know that I've updated my new tab Surveys .  Please let me know by leaving a comment if you have a referral for a survey or get paid too site that I don't have listed and I will join under you :) 

ABC-Day 29 - You just found $500 cash. You can keep it, no questions asked. What would you do with it?

Hmm, well if I found $500 cash right now there is plenty that I would do with it. First thing that came to mind is split it among the kids and let them have some fun with it each $100 and then I would get to spend $100 and I would invest in making my blog look better     If I kept it all to myself then I would invest some of it and go out and buy me things that I want and need like a new outfit, makeup etc. And then the responsible part of me says put most of it towards bills and things because there is always a bill that needs to be paid...I think I like the first one better!! LOL...Just go out and have fun and enjoy it!

Updating Freebies and Samples page

Hi everyone, Quick update to let you know that I'm updating my freebies and samples page here If you have any freebies and samples you want to share, please leave me a comment with the link/info and I will add it to my page. I am also adding a Giveaways page on here. I am SO addicted to giveaways now :) Have a great weekend!!

Purina Healthy Weight cat food - great product for cats!!

I received a sample of this product and I have to say that Bunnie loved it!! She couldn't get enough of it. She wanted more then what the sample had. It lasted her a couple of days. Looking forward hopefully to get some coupons and then buying this for her since she loved it so much. Here is more info about the product.

Free museum day tomorrow!! Go out and enjoy it

Hey there everyone, one of my friends shared this on facebook and I thought I would share it on here. Tomorrow is free admission for one person and a guest at museums. To check the list of museums in your area to see which ones are participating, check here and see and then go out and have fun.

Sexiest Little Hair Move

I came across this and wanted to share..I love her!! She's so beautiful! What a lucky lady to be so beautiful and have a great sexy looking husband too!! You guys, I think  Jenna Dewan-Tatum  is trying to seduce us through our computers screens. And while I think it has something to do with her Blue Steel stare-down, I think this little  hair  move is also involved. The tucked-behind-the-ear move might be helping, but what I think is really sending her over-the-top here is going on on the other side. Notice that her locks are curled  in toward her face . It makes her look a little sleeker and sexier than if the curls went the other way (which would open up her face and give her a friendlier vibe). Plus, it gives it a shape that almost makes her hair look voluptuous, and we all know that word is sexy, right? So there you go—I think that's the big assist here in the hotness department, the inward curl. You into it? Oh, and if you want to see her blue-...

My facebook page - Queen of Random

Good morning or rather almost noon here! Late start on here today. I wanted to share my facebook page for those that go and like it, leave a comment with your page and I will return the favor :) QueenofRandom Facebook page

ABC-Day 28 Post the best landscape photo you have ever taken.

I like this one..I love taking pics of everything, especially pretty landscaping pics. I have thousands of pics in my photobucket, you would think by now lol that I would get use to tagging pics so that I can easily find them when looking for something, but nope I haven't went back and tagged them...ugh!! So I was going to post a pic of my grandparents house when they lived there and they always kept it so beautiful with plants and trees and shrubs and so bright and well the only pics that I have found are the ones of after they sold it and its not well kept at all. I just went back to the town where I grew up half of my life back in July. So I am sharing those pics..not very pretty the way it looks now compared to what I know that it looked like..anyway...and I wanted to share the one across the street as there's looks nice as well and like my grandparents use to look....

Added 2 more blog hops

I added 2 more blog hops, so at the top of my blog where it says blog hops , click it and go there and join in on some of the hops today!! :) Have fun!!

Sign up form for Scentsy plug-in warmer

This above is not the winner's prize just a sample of what the prize will be. The winner will receive one plug in warmer, and one fall scent. To be apart of this giveaway for free you must post an announcement post, like this one(copy and paste) and be willing to promote this every day on your facebook/twitter page. Please click here to sign up.

Impeccable Petunia E-book and Artwork Giveaway!

Impeccable Petunia E-book and Artwork Giveaway! Hosted by A Fulfilled Mommy Katie Christine, the author of Impeccable Petunia has generously offered to give away a free copy of the e-book and a piece of signed artwork from the book! You can read my review of the book here . One winner will win both prizes and this contest is open worldwide from September 26th until October 6th! a Rafflecopter giveaway

Realizing that its 41 days til the election I wanted to share this...chart on how candidates compare on issues

Comparison chart on the presidential candidates on issues. Click here to see it, I didn't make this. Wow...ok so I am still doing research to decide which way to go. I will say this, I did vote for Obama in the last election and I don't regret it at all. My opinion is that this country was, is and will continue to be in an economic crisis no matter who is our next president. I usually don't do this but, today I am in a blogging mood and wanted to share just my thoughts/opinions on some of the issues etc. that was asked in the chart. Abortion - I am in the middle on this one. I believe that a woman has her own right to do what she wants with her body, but I don't agree with having an abortion just because she didn't use protection etc and got into the situation. I believe that if that was the case, then she can look into other ways such as adoption etc to  handle things. I do however agree somewhat on abortion if she was sexually abused or raped etc. So I a...

Whoopi bleeped on the View this morning

I know that we own have our own likes and dislikes etc..but I wanted to share this since it was shared with me on facebook... I like Whoopi and agree with most of what she says usually in things like this and this is another time that I understand what she's saying to this lady..whom hmm I haven't heard of before this...good thing too because good grief!! I will leave it at that!! LOL... Here's the link to read the article about what was said and also the video on the page to watch if you like.. Whoopi gets bleeped

Its going to be a LONG weekend!

This week, well Tues-today have just absolutely flown by!! That's a good and bad thing!! LOL...My kids was out of school for 3 days last weekend including this Monday and not they are out tomorrow Friday through the weekend. I sorta like it when they are home then sometimes I don't...they have been pestering and griping/whining over stupid things with each other though for the past week or so, so I have a feeling its going to be a long weekend!! Which is good in a way because it's the weekend! But then its crappy too because they are whining/griping/pestering! Three teens (2 boys and 1 mood teen girl) equal me getting a headache and drinking strawberry daiquiris!! LOL..Which reminds me, one of them need to go to the store and buy me another bag of ice so I can make my drinks this weekend!!

5 day weather forecast - Nice cool temps

5 Day Forecast Updated: Sep 27, 2012, 9:06am CDT Today Sep 27 89 °F 66 °F Isolated T-Storms CHANCE OF RAIN: 30%   WIND: SSW at 9 mph Details Fri Sep 28 87 ° 65 ° Mostly Cloudy CHANCE OF RAIN: 20%   WIND: SE at 6 mph Details Sat Sep 29 78 ° 61 ° Rain / Thunder CHANCE OF RAIN: 80%   WIND: NE at 9 mph Details Sun Sep 30 82 ° 57 ° Partly Cloudy CHANCE OF RAIN: 10%   WIND: N at 5 mph Details Mon Oct 1 84 ° 56 ° Sunny CHANCE OF RAIN: 0%   WIND: NNW at 4 mph

ABC-day 26-Write about a friend or how to be a good friend?

I believe that a good friend is someone that doesn't judge you for what you've done or what your doing etc. A good friend sticks with you through thick and thin even when they know that your going to get hurt but you are set on dating that person or marrying that person etc...Been there and done that!! I am very very blessed, thankful and so grateful to have true good friends in my life. I still have friends from back in middle school that I still stay in touch with. And I have numerous friends that have been great friends/best friends from back in high school and we just had the 20th reunion in July or so but most of us didn't go, we plan on having our own little get together soon. And then there are the net friends that are awesome as well. I have met a few great friends online that have become great friends. And I am looking forward to meeting a couple of them in person next year. One that is across the country but she's coming close to where I am..well it will be ...

ABC-Day 25-Oprah's first question to you would be?

Hmm, well this is an interesting one for sure! I really don't know..The first thing that came to mind was something like how do you feel getting older and not knowing your real bio dad and your mom keeping this secret from you all these years? I found out who my bio dad is about 11 years ago with no help from my mom. My grandfather had just passed away and I was so emotional and realizing that tomorrow is never I tracked down the guy that I thought was my real dad, he was the one on my birth certificate but I found out some things that my mom hasn't cared to share with me!! He married her because he loved her, she married him b/c back then you don't just pregnant and not be married. He told me the name of my bio dad. Right after that I confronted her and she had nothing to say on it. I tracked down my real bio dad and found out that I have a half brother and 2 half sisters. My half brother and my father have brunette hair like myself and I resemble both of t...

Julia Roberts, George Clooney & Meryl Streep 4 hours from me!!!!

Darn it!! I want to take a road trip SO bad!! Just read an article that those actors and a few more are here in Oklahoma - about 4 hours from me!!! They just started filming yesterday!!!! Oh did I fail to mention that Julia is my number ONE favorite actress!!!!!!!!

Full House cast reunites this past weekend! 25 years!!

Check out this link for the article :)  Full House Reunited

ABC-day 24-What was your best or worst first date?

Hmm, ok my first date has been so many years ago that I don't remember it at the I am going to share my first date that I remember that is coming to mind with my soon to be ex-husband.   Back then he didn't have a license or a car so if he didn't want to walk or ride his bike wherever he was going, his mom would take him around. I was 18 or 19 and he was 4 years older then me. So we were going to the movies..not sure what the movie was but it was one where I was pissed that I didn't get to see all of it!! So it must have been good.   So they came to get me and his mom dropped us at the movie theatre knowing that it was a 2 hour or so movie knowing that he didn't want her to pick us up for 2 hours!! Half way through the movie, if that!...who comes IN the theatre and taps him on the shoulder and says lets go!! HIS MOTHER!! Yep his mother comes walking in the theatre, finds us and grabs him on the arm and says lets go!!...

Keeping tabs on the Cowboys game today

I was really hoping that this wouldn't be a repeat for the boys of last week!!! But already the Buccaneers have a touchdown??? REALLY!!!!!!! The game just started!!! Come on boys get your heads out of the clouds and PLAY!!!!!

ABC-Day 23- I hate being....

I hate being...a few things actually...I hate being over stressed!! That is never good, I get way too many bad headaches when I get over stressed about things going on. I hate being in bad moods...I like to think positive and smile all the time and try not to let things get to me like stress!! But sometimes things do happen, like computer messing up just little things like that and they put me in a bad mood because then that leads to me getting behind on things, usually work things and that is never good either. I hate being bothered by annoying people. I hate being bothered by negative people where all they can seem to do is whine and complain. Don't they know that it gets old hearing about what is wrong in your life or what is going wrong and all won't last, you will get past it, yes it might take some time but it will pass by and you will move on. I hate being talked about behind my back and then told that so and so said whatever...I use to let that get on my n...

New Season of DWTS on tomorrow night

So tomorrow night is the new season of Dancing With the Stars,here's the new cast if you haven't already seen whose going to be on...are you going to be tuning in? There are a few that I like .. not a lot. My number one lady that I will be going for is Kirstie Alley and the guy is Emmitt Smith. I SO love Emmitt!! I was going for him the other time he was on there and Kirstie too. I love them both and wish them the best of luck. Of course I wish all of them good luck..those two are just my faves.

Wow - Family Ties where are they now?

I use to watch them every day and night!! Never got tired of watching it. It came out on Sept. 22nd in 82! My goodness that seems like forever ago! hard to think that back then I wasn't even 10 yet! I enjoyed the show, it was a nice and descent show with great episodes of real life situations and not too much drama and bs that go along with today's shows and episodes that seem to think there's not enough drama! Family Ties - Where are they now

Beav's Brother Tony Dow's new career...interesting

I came across this and thought it was interesting...I'm sure you all remember Leave it to Beaver..well now Tony Dow has a new career path. .check out what it is ...I say good for him :)

Which laptop brand do you prefer?

If you have a laptop, which brand do you prefer? I'm using a Toshiba right now and so far it's the best one that I've come across, we have three of them! I took one of them, mine, into have it serviced since the plug in cord messed up and wouldn't go in and let it charge. So they gave me a "loaner" and it was a Gateway...half as fast as my Toshiba and just plain out was crappy!! I couldn't do anything on it like I do on the Toshiba so I went back up there yesterday and thankfully they had another Toshiba so I swapped it out for this one thank goodness back in business now and getting things done!   I heard that Toshiba and Sony Vaio are good. What do you think?