This idiot needs to be put behind bars now!!! He needs to be flipping STRIPPED of his title "Former President" to FELON!!! He should be called that since his sorry fat orange arse was indicted!! Ever since that day, he needs to of lost his benefits for being a former President!! He needs to lose the secret service and the titles along with any other benefits!!! He CHOSE to be a con artist and criminal and therefore needs to be called what he truly is. He needs to stop being referred to as former anything and convicted felon and sexual assaulter needs to be put in front of his name! He is a disgusting gross person! I have faith that Karma will soon come in again and put him back into the courtroom being indicted again for many, many, many more felonies! He is despicable to think that he's going to continue to get away with things! One of these days, someone will literally make history and do what needed to be done years ago and hold him in contempt and put him in jail LIT...