I have heard about the case, I have watched some of the trial, not all but about half or so. Just a few things that I have heard set off alarms with me and said guilty but I guess if the jury comes back with 3 counts of NOT GUILTY for killing her daughter and 4 counts of guilty for the charges of falsifying info to the police then they heard/saw more then I did in the court room!!! I don't agree with it. I think that she's guilty and I think that with her going out partying and not saying anything about her own 2 year old daughter missing for 30 days says it all....Guilty!! But apparently the jury didn't feel the same way...unanimously! I guess that her trunk smelling of decomposing smells of a dead body in it for the longest time didn't set off any alarms or questions in there mind and I guess that getting a tattoo on her shoulder saying the phrase in whatever language it was that means beautiful life didn't set off any alarms in there minds either...wow, ...