Title: Every Little Thing Series: The Ink Well Chronicles #4 Author: Jordan Bates Genre: Contemporary Romance Release Date: February 29, 2020 Blurb The first time I shook her hand, I knew she was the one. But my breath stalled when I grazed the cool metal on her finger and when I looked down at that fucking ring, my heart stopped. Now, she’s back in town and after five years, I had no idea what’d happened. Instead of her husband standing by her side, holding her hand, there was a little girl. The first time I shook her hand, I knew she was the one. But my breath stalled when I grazed the cool metal on her finger and when I looked down at that fucking ring, my heart stopped. Now, she’s back in town and after five years, I had no idea what’d happened. Instead of her husband standing by her side, holding her hand, there was a little girl. I wanted to know their story. Because when it came to Melanie, I needed to know every little thing. ...