#UBC - Finding Yourself

I have been there and done that with the losing myself and then going through heck and back to find myself. I have made it through the rough bumps in the road and somehow someway I just keep pushing along. And sometimes on some days when I just don't know if I can do it anymore, I take a deep long deep breath and then I just keep moving forward. I am DETERMINED to not look back on the past mistakes in my life. I am determined now more than ever to show my kids that you can do whatever it is that you want too do out of life whether its being a stay at home parent like I was but, also worked and took care of the family and contributed or if you want to go to college and get things done in your time online taking courses instead of sitting in the classroom. You can do whatever you set your mind too!! I know because I've been there and done that! I was/am a stay at home mom and I helped take care of and raise and contribute to ra...