UBC Day 6 -- Do you take the weekends off?

UBC Day 6 – Do you take the weekends off? If you’re a work at home/stay at home mom do you get the chance to take off the weekends if you want to? For me, being a work at home woman, I work on Saturday’s usually for about half the day or so and then always take off on Sunday’s to where that is my relaxation day and the evening I relax while catching up on my blogging emails! I used to be the type to work 7 days a week! That got old really fast1 I only worked a few hours on Sunday’s never all day but it still got old and tiring for not having a full one-day off a week! I would say take at least 1 day off a week b/c it will wear you down and you will feel so much better after you’ve had a nice day to relax and just refresh so to speak for the upcoming week! Tweet LISA-QUEEN OF RANDOM claims no credit for any images posted on this site unless otherwise noted. Images on this blog are copyright to its respectful owners. If there is an image appearing on thi...