We lost my middle son Chris

I usually don't write to many very personal blogs but, today I've decided to share with you all what I'm having to go through that I would never wish any parent to go through ever! We lost my middle son Chris to a train accident that happened here in town. He was my middle son and a very special young man that was 22 soon to be 23 in Nov and had his whole life still ahead of him! This is one of the most heartbreaking and nightmarish things that I've had to gone through so far in my life and I feel for all the parents out there that have lost a child. I know that life is short but, I never thought in a million years that I would lose one of my children, I always thought that it would be me that goes and they would live a long happy healthy life. However, this massive bump in the road in my family's world right now has shown me that anyone can go at anytime no matter what age etc. He still had his whole life to live! He was way too young to leave this...