Good Friday everyone, enjoy it!

Another week has passed us by … another week that you are alive and breathing and still making it through this sometimes rough world that we live in. There is so much chaos going on around us. So much violence that happens and doesn’t need too! So many innocent lives being lost daily. So many people out there being corrupt and selfish! With all the negativity around us we just have to shine through and make sure that the positive overrides the negativity of things sometimes. And yes, sometimes it is very hard to put on that smiling face but, sometimes we just have to and keep moving forward. This year, in my opinion at this moment in my life has been rough. I’ve lost a best friend and first true love. He was the love of my life as a best friend and rock that I leaned on no matter what! We weren’t together as a couple but, we were best of friends and could tell each other any and everything and that is something that I will forever treasure!! This just happened a few week...