#Giveaway --- Acu-Rite NOAA Weather Alert Radio Giveaway

Acu-Rite NOAA Weather Alert Radio Giveaway Hosted By: Holiday Contest and Sweeps Co-Hosted By: Beautiful Touches Do Not Pet Tom's Take On Things Michigan Savings and More Java John Z's The Ministers Wife My Devotional Thoughts Networking Witches Everyday Southwest Peanut Butter and Whine Everyday Gizmos Sweeps & Views Simply Sherryl MyStyleSpot The Homespun Chics Easter Babe's Theory The Frugal Life Love Christin Homejobsbymom Markesvilleandme My Silly Little Gang Presents The: Acu-Rite NOAA Weather Alert Radio Giveaway 3 - Winners Holiday Contest and Sweeps along with a great group of Dedicated Co-Host's to bring you another Severe Weather event with Spring just right around the corner. And as we know with Spring comes Severe Weather. Acu-Rite has teamed up with us to help protect our readers with a NOAA Severe Weather Alert Radio Giveaway which will alert you of any Severe Weather Alerts from the National Weather...