Blogger Opp: College Bound Giveaway

Love from Elle has a great Blogger Sign Up Event that will also be Coming Soon to Our Readers!! We’re looking for bloggers to join and help promote our latest giveaway event. Sign-up for free or choose from any of our paid options below! Blogger Opp: The College Bound Giveaway Event Hosted by: Love from Elle We are in need of Sponsors, Co Hosts and Blogger Promoters to participate in a great blogger event! The prizes will be dependent upon sponsors. So far we have a $25 Target, $25 Walmart and $25 Old Navy Gift Card ready!! I'm hoping to add a few GREAT College themed products to the giveaway in addition to the gift card prizes. This can be in the form of school-related, college-related, fashion or gift cards to general stores. College Bound Event Sign Up! #Sponsors Cohosts & #Bloggers needed. Great Prizes already, more to come! Sign Up Here: — Love from Elle (@lovefrom_elle) July 11, 2013 ...