Five Minute Friday - work

I am feeling so thankful and blessed right now! This is my Friday Five Minutes of writing and today, again its about work. I am a work at home mom. I literally sit on my computer/laptop with my headset on and work through out the day. I work for different clients and I love my work. I work in the customer service and RE (Real Estate) fields. They go hand-in-hand. I just got told today by one of my clients that she loves me and is impressed and wanted to give me something else to do (another project) to work on so that I would get more hours and make more money!! Heck yea!! Given this one will be a little bit harder to do, but, I have done it before and I can do it again! I am one of us women that is determined and won't give up until it gets done!! And one of my other clients that I am working for, loves me as well and said that he was impressed with how fast I pick up on things and doesn't want me going anywhere so he basically gave me a bonus to stay with him ...