Title: Stolen by the Scottish Rogue Series: Kilts & Kisses #2 Author: Madison Faye Genre: Wildly historically inaccurate Highlander historical romance Cover Design: Coverlüv Release Date: April 15, 2019 Blurb Honestly, it’s just common sense: don’t ever, for any reason, fall in love with a pirate. No matter how tempting or toe-curlingly gorgeous he is. And especially not when he steals you from your own wedding… One minute, I’m being married off to a horrible, cruel man to sweeten a family business arrangement. And the next? My wedding yacht is being stolen, with me on it , by the powerful, roguish Highlander, Lord Malcolm McAuley. Former pirate. Ex-soldier. Full-time scoundrel . He also happens to be toe-curlingly gorgeous, sinfully tempting, and utterly irresistible. I should want nothing to do with the crude, filthy-talking alpha who’s stolen me from my own damn wedding. But the...