Happy Halloween!

For all of us that celebrate Halloween in one way or another, taking the kids out trick or treating or taking them to the places such as in the mall or in a church parking lot etc that has parties and things to do for the kiddos, I wish you all a safe and great day/evening. I miss the days of taking my kiddos out trick or treating...it was a good new costume every year for the 4 of them, it could get expensive now and again but I learned how to buy one here and there and then it wouldn't be so bad instead all at once! Here's one of my favorite songs by of course Mr. Michael Jackson for this Halloween...Thriller! I haven't seen the video in years!!! Tweet LISA-QUEEN OF RANDOM claims no credit for any images posted on this site unless otherwise noted. Images on this blog are copyright to its respectful owners. If there is an image appearing on this blog that belongs to you and do not wish for it appear on this site, please E-mail with a ...