Title: Doc A Club Alias Standalone Author: KD Robichaux Genre: Romantic Suspense Release Date: September 4, 2020 Blurb Dr. Neil Walker, M.D., M.F.T, Ph. D. I’m not your average therapist. As the founder of Imperium Security—the cover for my mercenary team—I’ve dedicated my entire life to helping heal those who’ve had their power unwillingly taken from them and avenging the ones who didn’t survive. A decade after creating the perfect team, I’ve now watched as every one of my brothers-in-arms has met and married their perfect match, the special women who were meant for them—because not just any woman is cut out to be the wife of a mercenary. And it was through one of these matches I finally met The One, the woman of my dreams, the one I’ve sworn to help heal and protect above all others. Astrid Quill, Makeup Artist It was only supposed to be for the weekend, but then all hell broke loose, and I went from just staying with Doc so my sister could hav...