Title: Dare to Love Series: The Beautifully Broken Series Author: Amanda Kaitlyn Genre: LGBT Romance/Gay Romance/New Adult Fiction Release Date: June 9, 2017 Chapter One Ally THE SMELL OF freshly brewed coffee and powdered sugar hit my nose as I entered the coffee shop my older brother, Lucas and his wife owned. The scent of coffee and sweet pastries was heavenly and I stepped in the long line of customers, eager for my caffeine fix. “Allison? Is that you?” I heard my name being called and I turned toward the sound, spotting my sister in law, Kaelyn rushing over to me from behind the counter. Smiling wide, I moved into her widely held arms and felt her sigh of relief against my shoulder. I’d been driving all night long and was bone tired, but I was excited to finally be here. I graduated from Art School yesterday and to say it felt damn good would be an understatement. It felt amazing. It felt even better to be near fami...