Leaving for Vegas in the morning!!!

I am SO excited!! I can't believe that it's finally here!!! Tomorrow will be heading out on a 10 am flight to Vegas from Dallas!! This will be my 3rd time there. The first time was for my 30th birthday with my best friend Lori that is celebrating her 40th this coming Tuesday!! We are going to have a BLAST! The last time I was there was about 6 years or so ago and both other times I was there something went wrong and I wasn't able to take pics. Or a very few and then the cam messed up, so this time I am covered!! I have my cell, my cam with extra batteries and Lori is bringing 4 disposable camera's! So yea I think I'm covered!! :) First time I went there, I stayed on the strip in the Luxor. It was nice. The 2nd time I went, I stayed in the 4 Queens downtown and it was nice as well. This time were staying downtown again. So at least I have a taste of both on the strip and downtown. We are going to stay downtown tomorrow when we get there and enjoy wa...