The beginning of 2022 ----- letting it still sink in

For me those words are stuck in my head and I am not handling it very well at all...I keep hearing him say those words "beginning of 2022" and I'm thinking NO this can't be right!! But this or but that and there has to be something that we can do! That I can do...anything?!!! But for now that is the reality that I didn't want to hear when I had asked him about it and he knew right off the that possible?? Is this the reality that he's going to be over 50 when he finally comes home and I'll be creeping up on 50 when he finally comes home in 2022!!! Then I'm thinking okay we can do this..I don't want to be negative, I won't be negative!! I can't be negative as it doesn't get you anywhere or anything!! Think won't last forever...we've grown so much and its almost been 3 years this coming August so I have to continue to think that we can only get closer as 2022 gets one day closer as ...