Title: The Therapist Series: The Therapist #1 Author: W.S. Greer Genre: Erotic Romance/Contemporary Romance Cover Design: Robin Harper, Wicked By Design Release Date: June 2, 2020 Blurb Sex runs the world. It’s always there, buried just beneath the surface of our everyday lives. Sex drives us, stimulates us, breathes life into us, and when we don't respect it, our relationships can struggle. That’s where I come into play. My name is Dr. Malcolm Colson, and I’m the therapist. I specialize in relationship therapy as well as sex therapy, and my office is always humming with patients. Sean Tillman is my newest patient, and he’s dealing with a familiar problem many men face but won’t admit—he has no idea how to please his woman. While my sessions with him are bearing fruit, my own sex life is being strangled by weeds. I crave control, and when Ava Pierson starts to break the rules I put in place for our casual but scorching hot relationship, I...