UBC - day 3 - Working at home

Have you thought about working at home? Maybe you are nervous about it if you have small kids or maybe you think nah, there isn't a real way to work at home and make money because all of the ways that I've seen and heard about are "business opportunities" or "businesses" etc. Well I'm here to tell you that there are REAL Legitimate work at home jobs for any of you to do at home!! Regardless if you have kids or small kids. You just have to know where to look and where to apply etc. I have been working out of my home for over 15 years!!! Yes that's right nearly half of my life and I raised and still raising 4 kids!! My kids are now all teens and my oldest is 21 but, still I worked when they were young!! I started when my youngest whose now soon to be 16 in Oct, when he was just a year or so old!! My first work at home experience was working as a customer service agent for 1800flowers.com Do you know that they hire work at home moms? ...