ABC-day 26-Write about a friend or how to be a good friend?

I believe that a good friend is someone that doesn't judge you for what you've done or what your doing etc. A good friend sticks with you through thick and thin even when they know that your going to get hurt but you are set on dating that person or marrying that person etc...Been there and done that!!

I am very very blessed, thankful and so grateful to have true good friends in my life. I still have friends from back in middle school that I still stay in touch with. And I have numerous friends that have been great friends/best friends from back in high school and we just had the 20th reunion in July or so but most of us didn't go, we plan on having our own little get together soon. And then there are the net friends that are awesome as well. I have met a few great friends online that have become great friends. And I am looking forward to meeting a couple of them in person next year. One that is across the country but she's coming close to where I am..well it will be a 6 hour or so trip to meet her but that is completely fine with me. I can't wait and then another one that is only 4-5 hours away in the same state as me and we will meet in  person next year as well in the summer.

I just hope that I have been half as much as a good friend as each of them have been to me. I try to be there for each of my friends and do what I can for them, whether its listen to them on the phone or through chat or however I can. I love each of them dearly and am very thankful to have each of them in my life.


  1. I've also got some great mates. I often wish/hope they view me the same way I view them.

  2. How inspiring this post is. Thank you so much for taking the time to write and share so directly from your heart!

  3. Thank you for the comments ladies :) Very blessed to have such wonderful people in my life. And thank you Julie for the great comment.


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