Don't ever use MIO CARD!!!!!
I am so ticked off right now I can't even freaking think straight!!!!!!! I have a prepaid card that is called Mio, got it over 7 years ago at a Dollar General NEVER was there ever a problem before until tonight!!!! Yep they decided that they are going to lock my account and not even tell me and then they are wanting information that they already have on file!!!!!!!! Something about a compliance something another!!! What the hell??!!! I mean really??? I have had the damn card more then 7 years, have had my paychecks directly deposited along with Leon's and now they decide to give us hell????? So I am needless to say in a very very very crappy mood and I refuse to ever use them again after this BS!!!! We will go back to Bank of America and or the local bank here and town and those idiots can literally shove it because I refuse to support a damn company that is full of crap and rude like the csr was!!!!!! | ||
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