Qualifications For Weekly Bonuses, PLEASE READ:
You read that correctly! For every 5 paid affiliates you refer in a one week period, you'll earn a $100 cash bonus. There is no limit! Refer 25 new paid affiliates in one week and you'll earn $500!
Our bonus contests are exciting.. The following contest rules, awards and eligibility requirements will apply. Please read the new rules carefully and let us know if you have any questions about how the contests will be run.
Contest Eligibility Requirements:
You must have purchased at least ten (10) DVDs through your GDI account and your account must be paid and in good standing. The reason for this requirement is that we are HIGHLY recommend the DVD promotional method for recruiting new affiliates.
Your referrals will be counted for one calendar week. A "week" is defined as 12:00am Monday through 11:59pm Sunday, Pacific Time.
For every five (5) new PAID referrals you make in the contest week, you will earn $100. For instance, if you refer 10 new affiliates who remain affiliates after their trial period, you would earn $200 for that week.
Only affiliates who we can bill on the first charge attempt are counted in this contest.
Because of our free 7-day trial, there is a one week delay after the contest week ends before your number of confirmed referrals can be determined.
You'll need a PayPal account to collect your prize money.
How Winners are Determined:
One week after the last day of the contest week, actual, confirmed winners are determined as the free trial members become paid affiliates. Because of our 7-day free trial offer to new affiliates, we do not know which affiliates will become paying customers until they are charged for their account at the end of the 7-day trial.
Affiliates who cancel their account prior to being charged DO NOT COUNT toward the bonus contests. The contests only count actual new affiliates from whom we are able to obtain the $10 fee on our first billing attempt.
Contest standings and results will be announced via email and on our members' area leaderboards.
Requirements to Collect Your Bonus:
Testimonial - provide a short testimonial about GDI's opportunity and/or product to testimonials@wsdomains.ws along with your permission to use it on our testimonials WebSite.
Promotional Tip - with your testimonial, include a promotional or sponsoring tip that will help other affiliates duplicate your success.
Photo of yourself in JPEG (.JPG) format - attach a photo of yourself to the email you send to testimonials@wsdomains.ws.
The email address at your GDI domain to which you would like your winnings paid through PayPal - We will send your bonus money to a valid PayPal account using only an email address on the domain registered through GDI (This is for your protection and to verify that we are actually sending your money to you and not someone else). You can easily add this address to your PayPal account if you have not already.
For US residents:
Read, sign and return the last pages the following documents:
Independent Affiliate Agreement Terms and Conditions
Independent Affiliate Policies and ProceduresGovernment issued picture identification (driver's license or passport)
All forms stated above as well as a completed and signed Form W-9. This form can be downloaded from here in PDF format, or you can pick up a copy at your local IRS office.
For Non-US residents:
Read, sign and return the last pages the following documents:
Independent Affiliate Agreement Terms and Conditions
Independent Affiliate Policies and ProceduresGovernment issued picture identification (driver's license or passport)
All forms stated above as well as a completed and signed Form W-8. This form can be downloaded from here in PDF format. Click here for instructions.
PLEASE NOTE: Line 6 of the W-8 form indicates "if required". If you have a taxpayer ID (SSN or EIN), you should enter it in that box. If you do not have one, you should leave it blank.
All of the appropriate paperwork should then be sent via email, fax, or regular mail. It is not necessary to send the entire Independent Affiliate Agreement Terms and Conditions or the entire Independent Affiliate Policies and Procedures. We require only the last signed page for each of these.
Faxes can be sent to: 760.602.3099
Papers can be mailed to:
Global Domains International #30019
701 Palomar Airport Rd, Suite 300
Carlsbad, CA 92011
U.S.A.You must provide all four of the above before we will issue your bonus money. If you have previously sent in your bonus requirement and we have your valid payout info on file, you will be paid automatically - so it is not necessary to send in a payment request or an additional testimonial and photo.
Make sure you have ordered your DVDs and begin using the DVD method of promotion as soon as possible. The DVD sleeves have a place for you to write or type in your affiliate ID (known as the "access code" to your prospects). Throughout the presentation and on the DVD packaging, your prospects will be directed to www.freedom.ws and instructed to enter your access code.
Good luck!
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