This year has been a roller coaster - thoughts from your Queen of Random
I can’t believe it no matter how many times I look at the calendar and see the date that its nearly the end of the year and now Christmas is officially over for this year.
I am happy to see this year coming to an end…as I’ve said before it's been a hell of a roller coaster ride for me personally and our family. Losing a best friend of 30 years at the beginning of the year (Feb 24th) and then losing a son at the end of the year (Oct 10th) just sucked more than any other year in my life!
I know that you have to go through the storm before you can see the rainbow so I’m trying my best to keep my head up and keep praying that things will be better and brighter for us in 2019.
It will hopefully start off on a good note (crossing fingers) that I can start my seasonal position on Jan 7th. I already signed the contract and while its for tax season only if I can get my foot in the door I can train for other positions as well with this company and hopefully work the 30-40 hours a week however I want to do it and get some good money coming in to help us out and get us to where we use to be before it all went to hell!
Along with losing a best friend and then July losing my main client (job), new car and then our apartment that I had for 3 ½ years it flipping sucks! But again like I said trying to keep my head up and stay positive as I can even though yea there are days when I feel anything but positive!
In my life, I’ve had ups and downs like everyone else but I was fortunate so to speak to never go into a state of depression…that changed this year. When I lost my best friend, who was also my first and true love from high school I lost it and went into a deep depression! I was working still but I would get up work and then crawl back into bed and not talk to anyone but my son that was staying with me. I was in a very low and dark place and I feel for everyone that goes through a lot of stuff and ends up in that place because it took me a long time to get out of that deep dark place.
I wonder sometimes how I’m not in that place again after losing my son a couple of months ago but I think that its because I have my youngest son with me. He’s huge support for me and helps take care of me so to speak and is there for me and helps me stay above water so to speak in hopes that I don’t go back to the dark place.
I wish everyone a great last week of the year. Enjoy it with your family and friends and don’t let yourself the stress and worry about things. Life is way to short so enjoy and appreciate the last week of this year and get ready to open your arms to the new year and new adventures that are coming around the corner!
Hugs and much love always from your Queen of Random - Lisa
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