Release Tour for Flutter by L.A. Corvill
Title: Flutter
Author: L.A. Corvill
Genre: NA Romance
Release Date: August 4, 2017

We were the classic fairy tale.
William and Sophia.
Love at first sight, high school sweethearts,
married in college, constructing our empire one building at a time.
He was the love of my life... until, he was gone.
Until the sound of my heart breaking into a million pieces was the last sound I heard
Now I have to build my future...alone.
Or so I thought.
Finding a new life was not part of the plan.
Finding love was was not part of the plan.
But my heart could not resist him.

Leli and Aimee are Texas-Natives who reside in the Rio Grande Valley. Their love love for books helped them decide to pursue their dream of writing. They teamed up to create stories with happily ever after’s.

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