Gratitude as an attitude
So I thought that I would just say a little about how I've been feeling lately. Often, I find myself sitting here (on break from work or maybe even before or after work) and just thinking of how lucky I am to be able to do what I do.
Sometimes we all seem to take things for granted and I realize more and more as the days seem to keep on flying past me that the little things in life are what matters most.

Not only that but, have you ever just sat there and thought I get to do what I want (to a point of course!) I can go out and go shopping at the stores or go out and grab lunch at a fast food joint or shop online and buy what I need/want or even something as simple as sitting in your bedroom and enjoying yourself with a nice book for the evening.
We are so lucky compared to some other countries out there! I am pretty sure that in some places like Africa or parts of there where people aren't that free and able to do what they choose and go in a nice home and relax in front of the tv for Wednesday night Survivor or Thursday night Amazing Race.
I am so very thankful and grateful daily that I have the life that I do and that I am free to get out of the house and take a walk or get out in my car and go to the store and get food etc. I couldn't imagine my life not being able to have the freedoms that we do here. And then it gets me thinking about people like myself that have a loved one incarcerated and how they are there and we are here but, then I think that we are all still so lucky because we have the freedoms of talking on the phone to them. Yes, it costs money but, we can do that if we can. And then there is also the choice to write letters back and forth like me and my hubby do weekly. I'm sure that out there somewhere in the world there are loved ones that don't have that freedom and I feel for them!

So every day when you get up and open your eyes and sit up in bed to wake up or just lay there and take it all in for a minute or two, be thankful for what you have and not for things that you don't because we are so very lucky in having so many freedoms as we do.
Just wanted to share those thoughts that I had on my mind today as I'm sitting here off for the weekend of work and listening to music on my gaming laptop while sitting here blogging on my work laptop.
Have a great rest of the day/evening/weekend wherever you are and just take a minute and take it all in!
LISA-QUEEN OF RANDOM claims no credit for any images posted on this site unless otherwise noted. Images on this blog are copyright to its respectful owners. If there is an image appearing on this blog that belongs to you and do not wish for it appear on this site, please E-mail with a link to said image and it will be promptly removed
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