Blog Dare - Day 25 - What my children want to be when they grow up.
Blog Dare - Day 25 - What my children want to be when they grow up.
What my children want to be
when they grow up.
All my children
are teenagers, my daughter wants to be a teacher and I know that she will go to
college and become the teacher that she wants to be and will be an awesome one!
My oldest son, loves video games and I am sure that he will be a great video
game designer or whatever he wants to be in that field. My middle son..he is a
great writer so maybe he will keep doing that and become an author and or even
write movies! My youngest son, he wants to be a comedian, an actor, a model and
a singer!! So yea he's all into getting out there and showing off!! I am sure
that each of my children will become what they set there mind too. They are
wonderful talented young men and a young woman 

Awesome!! Much success to them all and then they can pamper mama for the rest of her life! ;)