Confessions - week of Jan 23rd
So I saw this on one of the other blogs that I started following and thought that it sounded cool to do so I am going to try to do this every week too. Confessions for the week... Ok so last Sunday well I had a bad day full of nausea! Could not keep from going back and forth to the bathroom all day long! I had friends down that weekend and we had a blast..until Saturday night when they knew there limits and me being that I hadn't ever done the "shots" before didn't know my limit!! Big mistake! So I drank a little more then I should of and was sick later on that night and Sunday. I didn't have a headache though..weird as it seems but I didn't..I think that it had something to do with the water that I was drinking through out the day/night... I wish that I wouldn't of been so sick that day...I know that they didn't have that much fun sitting around here and watching me jump up and go to the bathroom every 10 minutes! So the rest of the week we waited for the stove which didn't actually get here and delivered until Friday!! We also waited for the cable guy that was supposed to come on Tuesday and didn't get here until Wednesday and then they wanted to put us off another day?? Seriously?!! That was ridiculous but I stood up and told them a thing or two and got them to come back that day and finish the job! I stayed on the landlord's butt this past week about the stove!! I think that if I wouldn't of done it the way that I did, we would be sitting here yet again without a stove! So I got a new one out of it!! YAY! Then that day, the Friday the handyman actually came back over on time at 4 and hooked up the gas to it like it needed to be and he even went and got the right parts since they brought the wrong ones! I think that it was good week..long and stressful considering that it was raining too Tuesday through Wednesday and so that sucked sitting here with the rain and also waiting .. Sitting and waiting is all that we seemed to of done last week! Me and the kids went over to the other house Friday night or so and packed up the van and then brought it home and then yesterday they brought in a box at a time and I put things up one box at a time..easier doing it that way then just bringing in everything and having a ton of boxes sitting around... | ||

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