Tax Refund delayed until the 4th!!!!!!

I new that I shouldn't of gotten my freaking hopes up!! I was so hoping for them NOT to screw up this year like they did last year but what happened? Got delayed!!!!
I looked at the site last night before bed and it still stated the 28th yet this morning when I got up it said the 4th!!!!! I went to the bank site and it said that the expected date was still the 28th but I don't know since the other site said the 4th now and I went to turbo tax and red up on the comments and a ton of others were seeing what I saw yesterday and then this morning the 4th!! So yea it sucks!!!!


  1. Turbo Tax has been screwing up alot of refunds this year includint mine. Their error cost mine to be delayed and cost me money. I demanded a refund from them. They agreed, and now I'll get back my 50 bucks. Next year it's HR Block !

  2. Wow, well I am glad that you got your money back from them, I didn't!! I am so furious still that we didn't get it that I am just freaking livid but life goes on and what the heck can you do but gripe, vent and complain on blogs!! LOL...


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