Sunday Evening

    Good evening everyone. I hope that you all are having and had a great weekend. My kids are out next week for Spring Break so at least I don't have to get up early early in the morning, maybe get to sleep in for an hour...maybe.
    I watched the end of Home Make Over. ... it was cool. Then I watched the Big Give and I liked it. They did a lot of good for all the kids. Doing the two schools was fun for them and Andre and Tony Hawk how can you not have fun with them. As for next week, WOW now that is something that I could do and have fun doing, having 24 hours to give away $100,000 cash! I think that I could do that without a problem. I would go to different organizations and to some separate families and help them out. Maybe go to a homeless shelter and help out some people and give them a couple thousand each, that would get them out of the shelter and in a place of there own for a couple of months I would think and give them time to get there stuff together and find a job and live in there own home. I can't even imagine being homeless. I have always been fortunate enough to make it on my own and with a family that has to be tended to, I just can't imagine not making it. I mean heck, for us, if I absolutely had to , I would put us in a 2 bedroom, one room for the boys, one for Jesse and then instead of us having a room, we could just stay in the front room IF we ever had to save money and get to where we just couldn't afford the 3 bedroom. I think that were doing alright, were not doing great but then again were lucky in so many ways to. Our kids are healthy and they are good kids and kids that don't get in trouble and don't run around the neighborhood and cause trouble. Jared is a good boy to. Hes spending time with his friends on the weekends or at least 1 day of the weekend, usually not both. I don't think that he needs to spend that much time with them considering he spends time with them at school some to. This afternoon one of his buddies called and he went over there for a little while then called to ask if he could spend the night, I don't mind as long as his parents are ok wit it. I think that the boys get along good and I am glad and excited that Jared has a good friend like Troy. I am just glad that they have each other to hand out with. They hang out and then a couple of other kids to sometimes.
    I want us to move into a bigger house, one where Jared can have his own room and don't have to share with his little brothers and so I am hoping that in May or probably June we can get out of here and look for a bigger better home. I want an office, but I want to get a house with a room for Jared so that he can have his friends over without having to worry about his little brothers coming in his room pestering while his friends are over.
    I am hoping to move, still here in town but into a better house and not have to sign another lease. Its up in May. So the first of May we will have to sign or tell him were looking to move. The news and the Irs site say that the checks/stimulus package money is supposed to start going out in early May, so lets hope that that happens and lets hope that I am reading it right and they will be sending out the payments via direct deposit since we did our taxes and got out other refund direct deposit I hope that they do it fairly quickly. One of my other friends posted that it wouldn't start til like June or after that but I haven't seen that schedule anywhere, I saw that the irs site keeps saying early May so not sure which its going to be. I am thinking that the early May is for the direct depositing and then the other dates is for the sending out of the checks. because if its for the direct deposit to, then it won't be until Aug or so that we get our money and I don't want that. I don't want to stay here and sign the lease I want to start looking and find something better. We will see.
    So lets see what else is going on, hmm well my birthday is this week...yay..I will be the big 35. It was on my birthday 5 years ago that the war with Iraq started. While me and Brian and lots of others were at a Bon Jovi concert on March 19th in Dallas, we started the war on Iraq that night. While we were hollering and screaming at the top of our lungs singing songs and having fun, others were screaming around the world b/c they were being bombed and hurt!!!! My goodness I can't believe that its been that long already.
    Also that year later on in June or July or so, we had our high school reunion..LOVED it...had a blast. I want the pictures from that night but haven't had the chance to get them developed yet. I want to drive to TX and go to Brian's and get the film and get it all developed and find the pictures from that night and get them after all these years. I need to see those pictures. I want to see them again. I miss my friends. I love them each and every one. I have found or they have found me on myspace, still a few others that haven't been found, but I will keep looking until I do find them and one day I will.
    Hugs to you all..have a great and safe week...

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