Every Vote Counts!
Every single vote counts! No matter where you are and no matter who you voted for every single vote counts! This is America!
So why on earth would idiot orange clown tweet
Does he not understand that if indeed the votes were stopped right now at this moment that he would lose and Biden would win? Wow-what a very intelligent person?!
And why is it that the people that back in 2016 were saying Deal with it are now in some states demanding that the counts go on and in other states demanding that they stop? Yea that makes total and complete sense!
I stayed up with my 22-year-old son on Election night going into the next day until about 3:30 ish in the morning. We were talking, doing other things, and had CNN in the background. My son is really into this election and in some instances keeping a closer eye on the count and so forth than I am! I have always watched Election nights close.. It's something that I had enjoyed....until 2016 and I ended up going to bed early that night and woke up to a nightmare announcement that idiot in chief won! So this time around I was hell-bent and determined along with my son of staying up as long as I could to just keep an eye on things. We also stayed up the next night/morning until about 3 as well.
This election affects everyone no matter who you are voting for. I find that it's disappointing that over 68 million people in this country think that the orange clown is worth voting for again! I want to know what he's done for you? What has he done for this country-besides the obvious of bringing out the hatred and more division in our country?! How has he helped any of us (the average working American)? How has he made our country better? How has he brought our country together? How has he brought on a positive role model for our kids and grandkids to look up to? How has he done anything for this country and not for himself? How has he given hope and faith to any of us going through this pandemic that he has downplayed since day 1?
I will be writing more on this today/this week.
As always stay safe everyone!
From your Queen of Random-Lisa
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