Been waiting for this day for 4 years! VOTE!!!!!
Good morning everyone, I hope that everyone is doing great
If you haven’t already go out and vote!! Do it like your
life depends on it b/c it literally
With all the crap going on in this country we need a reason
to celebrate and in my eyes, mind, and heart I know that if Biden/Harris wins
then we have hope again!
The current resident in the white house has put nothing in this country but hatred
and just outright evilness!! So much hatred, bigotry, and racism that we don’t need!
And yes, I am aware that this crap was here in our country before
the clown illegitimately became POTUS however, he has done nothing to help with
the issues that we have, instead he has
made it more open and clear what a bigot
racist he is and has made those idiots that follow him, they have come out of
the rocks that they need to go back under!!!!!!
There are so many videos and things of people just being mean…why? The followers of the idiot trapped a woman
and a few others in a parking lot surrounded her in her car and then got up in
her face while she wouldn’t get out of her car and threatened her! The police
came and did nothing!!!! Did nothing!!!!!! They had sprayed pepper spray or
some other spray at/on her and threatened her and the police were just like yea okay and? What the hell is
wrong with them?? Don’t they have a duty to take EACH of us seriously??? Not just based on the color
of our skin but we as an American should
be taken seriously and when the woman is
telling them I have proof I have it all on video and they refuse to help her, let them drive away and basically
laugh at her….that isn’t what America is!
People going to
polling places and showing guns to scare people….You know what I say to
that? They are scared they are going to
lose and they think that having a gun on them makes them have more power, it
doesn’t! That shows me that they are really worried and they are going to do
any/everything to help the clown in chief.
They are a bunch of overweight backward idiots! How could
you possibly be proud of any of them and the way that they treat people?
It’s disgusting and it's fucking embarrassing!!!
So please go out and vote if you haven’t already and bring
on the celebration b/c once the loser in
chief has no power on Jan 20th, 2021 at noon eastern time this nightmare
or the biggest part of it in my eyes at least will be over!!! There won’t be a zillion news things coming
up every hour about how someone said something or how he praised his idiot cult followers about trying to run the Biden bus
off the road! They did nothing wrong he said….yea that is the way that I want
my grandchildren thinking and the man to look up too…I think not!! VOTE!
Disgusting gross unintelligent racist egotistical bigot! YOU
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