What Is Trump Hiding?
He is hiding a hell of a lot or else he would be making it public like every other flipping candidate and past President has! He is a conman plain and simple! He said that he was smart for not paying his taxes, that's how good of a conman he is! Sarcasm, just a little!
And the thing of it is, is that he's doing this crap, conning America in plain sight and has been since the day he illegitimately took office and yet he's still doing it!! Why? Or better yet how? How are we still allowing this idiot to continue to take our money? I pay my taxes and I don't know about the rest of ya'll but, for me, I don't agree with my hard earned money going towards anything having to do with that dirtbag!
I've heard that someone stepped in back in the day and I believe it was Carter who had a peanut farm or something and was asked to sell it so that he wouldn't be profiting off of it while he was president, which is reasonable. But nowadays this idiot is blatantly and here lately more often I think just shoving it back in our faces that not only is he doing things illegally, he knows it and he continues to do it and even more of it!
His trip to his own golf resorts making money off of it for him visiting them - how? Why? Someone do something about this idiot!!! Why can't someone just take that away from him? Why can't someone step in and say okay you want to go to your own resorts then you don't get a damn penny you have to pay us! Why on earth are we paying for him to have fun at his resorts? Why doesn't he pay us? He's the conman and we are paying for it and he keeps getting away with everything b/c no one is standing up to this sack of crap!
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