Why did Putin choose Trump to win?

Did anyone honestly expect anything more from this idiot? There is just again more proof that he is indeed Putin’s puppet and doesn’t give a damn about America!
My question is why did Putin choose this absolute buffoon to be the one that he wanted to be in the White House? Did he know that he was a racist, bigot, pig, con-man, d-bag? Not to mention a sexual assaulter and sucked at any/all businesses that he has ever had?! Is that the reason of why Putin chose him to be the one to take command of our country?

Apparently, Putin did his research on the biggest loser in the USA and came up with the clown in the oval office!
Why or rather how could anyone that is the commander in chief to a great country, how could you seriously joke about an issue like meddling with the election? How can you sit there and just laugh and make a joke about it? Do you not have a conscious?

Anyone that was smart and not an idiot like Trump would know that he was being played! Wouldn’t you want the American people to respect you? Does he just not give a damn that probably by now most of America want this man impeached?! Does he even know what that means? Does he even realize what it is? Doubtful!

I guess that Putin was wanting to make the USA a laughing stalk of the world and damn did you succeed in doing that! Probably more so than you realized!

Trump is a disgrace and should be to every American in this country that has a conscious and morals!
Locking kids in cages because of the color of skin, making fun of people just because, calling people stupid little nicknames, bullying others, cheating on his wives, sexually assaulting women. What is the count up to now? 22 I believe that it is! So nearly 2 dozen women have stated that this man raped and or sexually assaulted them and what are we doing to stop him? We continue to let him get away with things that he shouldn’t be getting away with!


He isn’t above the law and he needs to be taken down off of his high horse and put back down in the real world where he will rot in prison for the rest of his cold-hearted miserable life!

A disgusting gross pathetic sick man needs help now!

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