Send a letter: Tell Congress: Draw up articles of impeachment against Trump
I wrote a letter for the Action Network letter campaign "Tell Congress: Draw up articles of impeachment against Trump".
We have reached this point already - articles of impeachment need to be drawn up against President Donald Trump. And this process will need to be expedited even more quickly if Trump fires special prosecutor Mueller, as it's now clear he tried to do in June of 2017 and again in December 2017.
Trump has brought us to the brink of nuclear war, obstructed justice at the FBI and Department of Justice, threatened to shut down news organizations for reporting the truth, and — in a direct violation of the Constitution — taken money from foreign governments.
His comments in support of pro-Nazi demonstrators, derogatory descriptions of immigrants, and bigoted family separation policy are disgusting and provide a window into the racism that motivates his divisive rhetoric and agenda.
His former lawyer has now pleaded guilty and implicated him in multiple federal crimes — to which Trump amazingly confessed to on national TV.
And in court filings on December 7th, 2018 federal prosecutors concluded that Trump participated in these federal crimes when he directed Cohen to commit campaign finance violations by paying off two women during his 2016 campaign. The assertion marks the first time that federal prosecutors have deemed Trump an active participant in the conspiracy. Any other citizen not the president would have been already indicted by now.
But perhaps most jarring is Trump’s obvious status as being compromised by Vladimir Putin, which was clearly evidenced in his July 2018 press conference where he sided with the murderous Russian dictator over our own intelligence agencies.
His subservience to Putin becomes more understandable though when you realize Trump knew in advance about the June 2016 Trump Tower treason meeting, making him — at the very least — an accessory after the fact to a vast criminal conspiracy against the United States. And it’s now clear he was pursuing a Trump Tower Moscow deal, including a penthouse for the Russian dictator, well into the 2016 campaign.
All of this sounds crazy until you realize the FBI and law enforcement were thinking the exact same thing when they opened an inquiry into whether Trump was a Russian asset.
And on April 18, 2019, we finally got to see the Mueller Report. There are 10 episodes of potential obstruction of justice committed by Trump, as relayed in the index of the report. These are damning examples of impeachable offenses committed by the president, which Mueller said Congress should investigate.
So, what action should be taken? There are actually a number of paths - and they should all be pursued.
First, Rep. Steve Cohen (D - TN) recently introduced five articles of impeachment against Trump.
The five articles accused the president of obstruction of justice related to the FBI investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election, undermining the independence of the federal judiciary and other offenses. The obstruction of justice allegation stems from Trump's firing of FBI Director James Comey, which the lawmakers say was designed to delay and impede an investigation. The articles of impeachment also charge that Trump has accepted without the consent of Congress emoluments from foreign states and from the U.S. government.
Secondly, Rep. Brad Sherman's articles of impeachment also accuse Trump of obstructing justice by firing former FBI Director James B. Comey, among other wrongdoing. Congressman Sherman re-introduced his measure on January 3rd, 2019 in the new Congress.
Thirdly, members of the House should support Rep. Jamie Raskin's bill - and Rep. Zoe Lofgren's resolution - that would create an 11-member bipartisan commission known as the Oversight Commission on Presidential Capacity, which would medically examine the president and evaluate his mental and physical faculties before deciding upon his removal under the 25th Amendment.
With that process in motion, then the details can be argued about within the House of Representatives about which additional articles of impeachment to pursue against Trump, but there are a number of potential charges and criminal infractions listed below from which members of Congress can choose:
Tell your members of Congress now to begin the process of impeaching Donald Trump.
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