Disgusting, Disrespectful Liar of a Buffoon!!
This is yet again another vent about the buffoon in the Oval Office. He’s done so much crap that it seems like nothing flipping surprises us these days! Which is a sad thing! Since when do we sit back and let some idiot run his mouth, do crimes that are clear as daylight and evidence right there on twitter yet nothing is happening!
I guess I just want this clown out of office now! More like I wanted him out the night that he illegitimately won! He didn’t win, he cheated as he has his whole life!
Him locking up kids in cages blames Obama. And then I just read earlier that he is now saying on his twitter that he didn’t go and tell the border officers to not let people in and break the law when indeed yes, he did!
And him making the comment that the newspaper The New York Times will be out of business in 6 years or so – nope not happening and you know why? Because he’s not the owner! Just because a lot of his businesses went under and he claimed bankruptcy because he doesn’t know how to run a business not once or twice, but six times doesn’t mean that others are doomed to fail because he did! He’s jealous! He’s jealous of all of the businesses out there that have been around years and decades and his sorry butt couldn’t do that because he isn’t good at business or much of anything besides being a criminal and cheating people out of money!

I hope that the Democrats and others will put things into place and show the Trump admin that they are not above the law and will not get away with the crimes that they’ve committed!
We need to arrest the idiots that refuse to release his tax returns – there is no real reason that they won’t release them. Every other President that was asked to release them has done so except this buffoon!
What makes him think that he is so much better than everyone else? He isn’t better and in my opinion he’s a lot worse than a lot of people because of the ways that he’s putting kids in danger putting them in cages, allowed a few of them to die and the way that he calls the ones coming to this country nothing but bad names – murderers and drug dealers etc. News Flash --- there are Americans that are the same thing! It doesn’t make a difference where you came from people are the same! Not all Americans are bad and not all people from other countries are bad! Absolutely disgusting the way that he basically praises the evil men! Putin, Kim and Hitler are like his flipping idols and that is way more disturbing than anyone can imagine!
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