Welcome to 2019 - Agree to Disagree


      Good afternoon everyone, I hope that you all are having a fantastic 1st day of the new year so far! Welcome, 2019!! This is going to be a fantastic year for everyone!

     I’m doing the UBC (Ultimate Blog Challenge) again this year and today is the first day so I’ve decided since I’m going to be blogging more about the news and things going on here in the US I wanted to do this one on Agreeing to Disagree.
     Everyone has an opinion and a viewpoint about everything these days and here lately more people are coming out and being more outspoken and I love that!

     Sometimes I don’t always agree with everything that someone says or has an opinion of but, I am not going to be rude to them or say that their opinion on the topic doesn’t matter or isn’t important etc. I have learned especially this past year that sometimes we just need to Agree to disagree and move on. And that doesn't mean to shut up and let the other person have his/her way or think that they are right etc., it just means that you say your say and let them have there's and then if you don't agree on things be respectful and agree to disagree without harsh words.

     For the past 2 years this country has been in a state of turmoil no matter if it’s the way that it's running or maybe it’s the discussion on healthcare or the border wall or any other number of topics this country has faced a lot of harsh realities like the school shootings and other massive shootings and it sucks!

     I’m not saying that it’s the complete fault of the person running the country but, I am saying that its some fault of that person and others that could change things and they refuse to help and do so. Yes, I’m referring to the school shootings and how the kids stepped up and out to stand up about the way they feel unsafe at school and chose to speak up and people listened! But did they listen enough?

     Guns, in my opinion, is a huge problem in this country. And this is a huge topic for me to Agree to Disagree as everyone has their own feelings and opinions and views on it. For me, I don’t like guns period but, I’m not to the point that we shouldn’t be allowed to carry guns etc I’m at the point of why do some people have so many? One of my best friends has a gun and while I don’t like them, I get it why she likes it and feels protected with it etc. But again, this is where I come in to Agree to Disagree. I’m not going to put down her reasons for wanting a gun or her views on it. I’m going to respect her because she’s her own person and has her own thoughts on it. Instead of arguing until the sun comes up why not just be nice about it and yes say what’s on your mind and y our views/opinions on the topic but don’t judge and put the other person's thoughts/views down just because you don’t agree with them.

     It's just ridiculous how some can be so nasty and rude b/c I guess they think its okay since they are sitting behind a computer or phone and no one can see them. I don’t agree with that I think that you should be free to be yourself on here even if it’s behind a screen, but you don’t have to be nasty/rude about things.

     So, one of my many goals this year is to be that one person that will listen and try my best to understand your views on things that we don’t agree on and just agree to disagree and be nice about it, life is to short to be so mean, nasty and hateful!

        Love and hugs always from your Queen of Random-Lisa

LISA-QUEEN OF RANDOM claims no credit for any images posted on this site unless otherwise noted. Images on this blog are copyright to its respectful owners. If there is an image appearing on this blog that belongs to you and do not wish for it appear on this site, please E-mail with a link to said image and it will be promptly removed


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