UBC - day 5 - One Piece of Advice - Just Do It!
Good evening everyone, hope you all are having a fantastic first weekend of the new awesome year of 2019!
So, for my Ultimate blog challenge today I’ve decided to go with the subject of One Piece of Advice and mine is…. Just Do It!
When you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything! So, if you want to go off somewhere and just drive and take a weekend trip or if you want to start college and go for something that you’ve thought about for a while but just never decided on it, what is stopping you? Just do it!
I love it when I accomplish the little things, not really for anyone else to tell me congrats on etc. but, mostly for myself to prove to myself that I can do it, set my mind to do and when it's done then that is something awesome for me!

So far this year I’m trying a couple of different things that I haven’t in the past and will try to see how they work out for me. One involves working with my stepdaughter to get both of us some good money coming in and the other involves doing things that I haven’t been able to do in the past that I’ve always wanted to do…travel! So we will see how those two things work for now.
When someone tells you that you can’t or won’t or whatever negativity they are telling you…block them out! Negativity only creates more of the same and if you want to get out there and show yourself that you can do it, then just do it! And then you can tell them See I can and did do it! Don’t let others tell you what you can and can’t or will or won’t do! Stand up for yourself and show yourself first and foremost that you can do it and then show the negative ones that you did do it!
Go for it! You only have one life to live so dream and do what you want to do and maybe never thought you could or would do but don’t tell yourself that you can’t because of what others think…they aren’t living your life, you are!
Lots of hugs and love from your Queen of Random-Lisa
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