Good afternoon everyone, so today I’m going to share my thoughts on all the crap that is going on in the news about the Clown in Chief or should I now refer to him as our Spy in Chief!! What a flipping sleaze ball!!
I don’t know where to begin?? With the fact that he could give two craps less about any Americans at all since he shut down the government over a damn wall! There are reports and statistics that show that there isn’t that bad of an issue with people crossing our border. Now don’t get me wrong, yes, of course, there are issues but, my point is that they aren’t nearly as bad as what that loser is trying to make them sound like!
He continues this BS because of 2 people that he likes basically pushed him into it and this is causing literally a national emergency and has absolutely nothing to do with the flipping wall!!!
There are 800,000 federal & other employees as far as I understood that didn’t receive a paycheck Friday so those people and families are going without right now!!! They are going without meals, car payments aren’t being paid, rent and mortgage and other bills and medical bills etc. things aren’t getting paid or being taken care of because this flipping sleaze decided that its okay because he is listening to two of his scumbags that are in his base…okay and??? What the hell?! What the hell about all these other American’s that are now having to quit and or call in sick b/c they aren’t going to work and getting paid! They need to worry about there own families and how food is going to be put on the table and so forth yet this idiot said that they understand and had the balls to post something on a Coast Guard I think it was site saying something about babysitting and have a garage sale?! Are you flipping serious?? Sure okay well you know what? If its that flipping easy to do then why don’t you give up your pay and flipping go out and have a garage sale to come up with the money needed for your bills!!!
This man is so flipping out there that he does need to be put in a rubber room and just left there!
More to come very soon about this sleazeball!!
Much love and hugs always from your Queen of Random-Lisa
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