Book Blitz for Going All In & Giveaway!

Going All In
Thomas Briar
Publication date: January 15th 2019
Genres: Erotica, Romance
Young, beautiful, and college educated, Lena hides startling secrets. Secrets that set her apart from everyone else and make it almost impossible for her to find true love.
Slightly older than Lena, Trevor’s a handsome and dominant man. The kind with a successful career, a residence of his own, and a secure future. But he’s keeping startling secrets as well.
On their very first date, they’ll bare their souls to each other, indulge in sizzling hot sex, and make an unbreakable emotional connection.
But great sex alone can’t lead two lovers to their very own happily ever after. Can it?
Lena thought it time to spill the despicable secret. Her lips parted, but no words came out as fear clutched her heart. She winced at her cowardice.
“What is it?” Trevor asked, features turning sympathetic. “You can tell me, whatever it is.”
“I don’t know how.” She forced a smile.
“Just say it.”
“I was thinking I like you. A lot.” She sighed, nervously fluffing her long blonde hair. “And I don’t want to scare you off.”
“How would you scare me off?” His stare became intense, gaze never wavering from her face.
She took a deep breath, bolstering courage. “I’m not normal. Not like everyone else.”
His grin was filled with indulgence, making him more handsome than before. “If I wanted normal, I would have asked normal out. Instead, I asked you.”
“But you don’t really know me. I’m different.”
“I’m different too, if you haven’t noticed?”
She had. All throughout dinner and dessert, he’d not looked at any other woman in the room, not even the waitress when ordering. His mesmerizing gaze had remained on her.
“I need certain things. Things normal women don’t want.” She looked down at her hands in her lap, not believing she was going all in this soon.
“Tell me,” he insisted. “I won’t judge. Whatever it is.”

Author Bio:
Edgy and provocative in his erotic writings, Thomas Briar strives to exalt the virtues of love and lust in every story he creates. To date, he's written a wide variety in the subgenres of New Adult, Contemporary, Historical, Interracial, and BDSM. He also takes great pride in the fact that he writes the type of erotic stories that twist and turn as the hero and heroine strive wholeheartedly to get exactly what they want from each other.
Which means most of his stories run on the hotter side of the erotica genre with his characters indulging in the type of sex that some would call smutty. For, without a doubt, writing scorching hot sex scenes is Thomas' absolute favorite thing about writing erotica. Well, that, and making sure his characters end up living happily ever after.
Feel free to check out his website at to find out more about Thomas.



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