My tribe in Rimworld - 2 sets of lovers already!
I have been multitasking this morning, while working on
my blogs and things on my work laptop I’m also running my Rimworld on my gaming
laptop and I just wanted to share a couple of pics of my tribe that was started
not that long ago. I actually just figured out that I could take screenshots
while in game (pitiful yeah I know! LOL) but I wanted to share and thought that
I would write a blog on it and share š
So this is my tribe and we have a few crops going along
with some research that is going on but we haven’t gotten to the electricity as
of yet so we have no electricity or a good way to store food as of yet but we
will eventually get there. I have pets which are 2 cats and a dog and 2 turkeys
that was just born.
In this tribe so far out of the 5 tribe members, there
are 2 sets of lovers already! One of the couples already proposed but the
female turned him down but, I now just got notice that Jaguar has accepted Rat’s
proposal and they will be getting married before too long!
I love it when they get married as they actually get
together and show everyone attending the wedding….so
Have a great day!
Much love always your Queen of Random -Lisa
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