Release Tour for When It Rains by Brooke Harris
Title: When It Rains
Author: Brooke Harris
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: August 31, 2017

I'm dying.
I'm not afraid. It's my time.
I see so much of me in my granddaughter, I know she will help our family once I'm gone. I just hope she can help herself before it's too late.
My grandmother is dying.
I'm afraid that it's time.
She has given me a gift. A book.
The story of her past, a lesson to save my future.
Nana always said ''you don't find true love. It finds you''.
“When it Rains is an incredibly emotional women’s fiction and romance story that broke my heart into lots of tiny pieces and then started sticking it back together again.” - Jules - Goodreads Review
“A very worthy 5 stars for this stunning read.” - Teresa - Goodreads Review
“This book was amazingly heartbreaking.” - Shakespeare’s Wench Book Blog

Brooke lives in Ireland with her young family. She daydreams about a climate where it doesn't rain every day, but secretly she loves the green fields and heritage of Ireland. Brooke also writes Psych-thriller under the pseudonym Janelle Harris.
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