Cover for Rough and Rich by Hayley Faiman

Title: Rough and Rich
Series: Notorious Devils #6
Author: Hayley Faiman
Genre: MC Romance
Cover Design: Pink Ink Designs
Release Date: September 25, 2017
Imogen Caroline Stewart-Huntington hasn’t always been a rich bitch, her sunshine blotted out by her husband’s need to soar.
Sloane McKinley Huntington III hasn’t always been a Devil, but the brotherhood was his ride to the next best high—a vice he couldn’t shake, until he didn’t have a choice.
Now, three years sober, he sees with clear eyes. Free from the shackles of prison, all he wants is a second chance, his sights set on one woman—his wife.
Imogen knows that money can’t buy love—but when the rough man who stole her heart barges back into her life, she can’t help but question if perhaps forgiveness will.

32 years young... born and raised in California, did a stint in Oregon only to return to the Golden State. Lived that life a while until the Lone Star State called to us, Hill Country, Texas is where we call home, where our boots rest and loving that country life. Living the life with one bearded power pole climbing husband, two little boys that are full of energy and drive us crazy plus a chocolate lab named Optimus Prime.


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