#Giveaway #WristSociety - Wrist Society Giveaway!
Welcome to the
Arturo Alvarez Demalde
Wrist Society Giveaway
Arturo Alvarez Demalde
Wrist Society Giveaway
~1 Winner~
Open to US
1/9 12am ~ 1/23 11:59pm
3-month subscription to Wrist Society
A special shout out to our Co-Hosts
Deliciously Savvy, IMHO Views Reviews and Giveaways, Momma Without a Clue, Michigan Saving and More, Heartbeats ~ Soul Stains, and My Silly Little Gang
Now for the fun stuff. This giveaway is open to US. There are daily bonus entries so please check back tomorrow. Share it with your family and friends, they'll want to enter to win too!!
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If you have any questions about this giveaway, reviews, or any of our other giveaways, please feel free to email us directly at grovesamy81@gmail.com or amy@aarlreviews.com
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The books sound like great reads and I love the covers.