#BehindTheBlogger New Beginnings

  Hello everyone, today I would like to share my thoughts simply on "New Beginnings". I love being part of the #BehindTheBlogger series that we are doing every other Wednesday of the month. Love being a part of it!

  So for me personally, this year is going to be some new beginnings in a number of ways. I started out this year with a great new client that is in DFW and I'm doing really good with them. I started training with them a few days before Christmas weekend but, I officially started on my own the first week of the new year :) And so far so good! I absolutely love them and I am very thankful for them daily! At the end of the year I had gotten let go by 2 clients - 1 which I had been working for nearly a year but, he had decided that he wanted someone "in the office" so the contract with him ended unfortunately. I however, love the fact that I learned so much with him and his company (he's in the healthcare field of nurses going into homes and caring for them) and I was the one doing the billing and time-sheets. It was disappointing to see that one go but, as we all know, when one door closes another opens and in my case that was so very true.

  I am also looking forward to getting out of the "apartment" living. I've had enough of the paper thin walls here and the noisy, irritating and just all out loud at times (usually a few times a week) neighbors. When you work in your home office and take/make calls like I do, you can't have noisy neighbors and dogs etc barking in the background and yet they have made it hard for me at times and days when I need to wait to make a call because they are making too much racket! Not anymore! I am looking for us a house. We were looking forward to moving up towards the Tulsa area somewhere in a smaller town but, not sure if that will happen now with me and my work schedule and such we might just look for a better house here where we are which isn't the worse thing in world but, a disappointment considering I wanted to move closer to some of my best friends. We will just have to wait and see how it goes.

  This year I have hope for great things to come and be with each of us. I want and hope that 2017 is a less traumatic year than 2016 was with all the shootings in clubs and bombings and so forth, not just here in the US but, all over the world. I wish that the news would somehow see a way to report on the "Good" things that are going on around us. There are I'm sure good deeds and things going on all over the place, but, for whatever reason the news seems to stay informing us of all the bad things going on. That is one of the reasons that I just don't watch it anymore. I don't want to see/hear about all the bad and negative things. I want to hear about all the good. I want to hear about the good Samaritans that helped people. What about all the shelters or the churches that help others. That help them not be homeless or help them get back on their feet etc. Why doesn't the new do stories about those things? 

  I am in a place now financially where I am going to be able to pay off my car this year and I am very thrilled beyond words about that! I have never been in the position where I could do that. And for me being on my own and living on my own and now having a car and being able to pay it off on my own before its actually "paid" off means a lot to me!  So this year I will be paying it off and giving it to my oldest son for him to have and then I'll be picking out another one with my youngest son who is now 18 and he'll be helping me pick out a nice "slick business looking car" is what he said :) So we will be doing that and as soon as its paid off he'll be taking that car and then I'll be buying one for myself...considering a truck. I love some of the newer looks of the trucks with the back seats :) So I might go for that.

  So this year is a lot of new beginnings, moving to a house and paying off a car. Next, on my list is buying a home. Yes a late starter on that but, I want a house of my own and now that I am on a stable standing ground and can do it I want to build my credit up some more and then start looking for one. My goal for that is next year be where I can buy a home and then the top things on my goals will be nearly complete.

 For this year as well I am planning a trip. Probably just a kinda shortish trip about 4 days or so including the weekend. I'm going to be driving to Colorado to visit my oldest son. I love driving and taking road trips so I am VERY excited about this! Which means omg...lol I have to take a few days off of work! YIKES! lol..I work 10 hours a day 3 days a week and the other 3 days I work 16 hours a day and then one day off. So yea its going to be something to take off that many days! Not use to that!

 I hope that you each have your "new beginnings" that you have set for this year and I wish you the best of 2017!!

Much Love Always,
Lisa-Queen of Random

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Thank you for reading a story from #BehindTheBlogger Hop. Every 2 weeks a group of bloggers is given a writing prompt. These prompts are very open ended, so our bloggers can write about whatever they desire. The main rule is that their blog post directly relates to the topic of that week. The point of this hop is for our readers to get to know us on a personal level.  Please hop along and read all of the blog posts in this weeks hop. Just click the links below. If you want real and raw emotion, then you will find it here. After you read each post, please comment and share. We want to get to know you too!

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LISA-QUEEN OF RANDOM claims no credit for any images posted on this site unless otherwise noted. Images on this blog are copyright to its respectful owners. If there is an image appearing on this blog that belongs to you and do not wish for it appear on this site, please E-mail with a link to said image and it will be promptly removed


  1. Good Luck on your goals for the New Year. It sounds like you need a vacation with all the hours you work. I like road trips as long as I don't have to drive and I am sure you will enjoy your visit with your son.


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