#BlogOp Action Baby Carrier

Blogger Opp: Action Baby Carrier GiveawayHosted By: The Nurse Mommy


  1. Both paid and free options. PAID options will be included in the MAIN giveaway tools form.
  2. Co-Hosts: Could be you! Only taking two co-hosts for event! Will include task pages and backlinks in body of event post. Fee: $12 and comes with four links of your choosing (daily vote link can be included), will be included in the MAIN Giveaway Tools form. For an extra $3, you can have a daily task page included (making the total $15)
  3. Task/Follow Pages: Depends on number of participants, expecting approximately 3 follow pages. Co-hosts have first selection if they choose this option as well. Fee: $8 with three links of your choosing. Will be included in the Giveaway Tools form.
  4. Free option. Limiting to 15-20 free participants. You will receive a free Twitter link with an announcement post. If you’d like to not make the post, you can have that waived by paying a $5 entry fee.
  5. Extra links: $2 each (Facebook, Pinterest, Email Subscribe, RSS, FeedBurner) Daily Vote Links: $3 each.
  6. MANDATORY: Must promote 3-4 times per week on BOTH Facebook and Twitter. Will be verifying. You can auto-schedule FB posts that can link to Twitter.
  7. All of funds collected from this event will go towards promotion of this event.
****Please send payment as other/gift to babagrlshell@gmail.com with your blog name and email address in the notes.

Posts not up within 24 hours of this time frame will be removed from GT form.

So these giveaways are successful, please agree to promote 3-4x a week as you would your own personal giveaways. If you are not interested in participating in the promotion aspect of these giveaways, please do not sign up for this opportunity. Thank you.

Any questions, please contact Michelle at babagrlshell@gmail.com


Lisa-Queen of Random - referred you :)



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